In the Kingdom of Tonga, in the middle of the South Pacific Ocean
In the Kingdom of Tonga, in the middle of the South Pacific Ocean
Looking for a change? Hunga Haven is a peaceful, quiet and safe haven located at Hunga Lagoon in The Kingdom of Tonga, South Pacific. Relax and enjoy your retirement, spend your time snorkeling, fishing and gardening in the tropics. Everything included, home with all furnishings and appointments, aluminium boat & motor, tools and gardening equipment, just bring your suitcase! Eighty-eight years remaining on land lease and just US$100 per month. Live here full-time with a flexible Assured Income Visa or apply for a Business Visa and operate our small tourism business with a huge potential, just ask “what is that?” Visiting friends or family can stay in the two waterfront Tongan fales. Owners are eager to consider your offer, asking price is US$175,000. Owner financing is available for a qualified buyer, US$50,000 down and US$1,000 per month! Contact us today for more information about Hunga Haven and start packing!