Kapa Island beach, 6 acres with 220 meters of absolute beachfront. $180,000 USD / $120 per month. Kapa Island beach, 6 acres with 220 meters of absolute beachfront. $180,000 USD / $120 per month.
Kapa Island beach, 6 acres with 220 meters of absolute beachfront. $180,000 USD / $120 per month. Kapa Island beach, 6 acres with 220 meters of absolute beachfront. $180,000 USD / $120 per month.
You need to know that this little 6 acres of heaven is located on an island in the safe and sane, reef protected island group of Vava’u. The island is just a 4.5 minute boat ride from the mainland island. This says a lot. The best of all worlds is to be on an island and yet not pay the price of liaison and access normally associated with this extreme luxury. Worst case you could even swim there and back. To facilitate that, there is an island between with another small resort on it that welcomes, and even resuscitates swimmers enroute with further goals in mind.
For those who carry a parasol or wear 3-piece suits, there are dry boats.
The property is classic island beach with islets before and around a huge and well-known “Japanese Garden” living coral reef with every sort of colorful fish and, no sharks, at least none that anyone ever lived to tell about. (just kidding)
There is a resort just up the beach which has been doing well and has to agree with the concept of the more the merrier. People go to where the action is and this little place in paradise is getting more active by the day. One more player would only bring many more guests and visitors to partake of the variety.
The business advantage, for those who are so inclined, is the location of this property, which is so convenient to the landlubbers, even those who booked on the mainland that yearn for the island experience - so they venture over for the chance. In Vava’u the local crowd can drop in for lunch, which is actually a significant business here. Tourists are one thing, but the lot of those ex-pats, retired or otherwise living there make for a nice repeat business in any time of the year and everyone appreciates doing the island thing and it is as easy as having lunch at the mall back home. Living life in Vava’u is more like Disneyland, or actually, exactly like Alice in Wonderland - a bit strange, doesn’t make a lot of sense, but is a barrel of fun.
The property is dubbed, “Seahorse,” thanks to the rousing numbers of these critters in the pass and lagoon before the property, which
has everything ready to go. The permit to build and the approvals are easy in Tonga.
There is a caretaker’s quarters built on the property which needs work, but would be a good place to reside until the main construction might be finished. There are architect-approved plans for what one might elect to build there. The choice is yours in any event. All of the materials one needs to build are available in town or in Tonga. No need to import unless you have some special ceiling from Florence you want brought in. Coconut beams are strong, cheap and beautiful. That mix in the standard two by four construction works wonders and is award winning.
62 years to go on this remarkable beach property before possible renewal!
Tsunami proof, cyclone proof is the Vava’u proven unique feature given the natural surrounding inter-island water way, with island and reefs to block any unwanted outside waves. A 16-foot runabout can go from island to island in Vava’u and on a calm day, 48 mph tested. 😊
Feel free to enquire for more.